RTS - Magnétique: Nomade à Zermatt
Yves Bron rencontre à Zermatt deux jeunes violonistes, Maïlis Bonnefous, 23 ans et Cynthia Lomri, 25 ans, venues travailler pendant quinze jours dans le cadre de la "Zermatt Music Academy", avec les membres du Scharoun Ensemble, sous la direction de Ton Koopman. Petit déjeuner, avant la première répétition de lʹorchestre.
Écoutez l'émission ici:
Page de l'émission: Magnétique, 13.09.2016, 17h06
Le site du Zermatt Music Festival & Academy
Retrouvez les artistes ayant été invités à l'édition 2016
First prize winner - Clara Haskil Competition 2013
Brazilian of Romanian origin (his parents fled Romania during the dictatorship), Cristian Budu combines Brazil’s new and joyful spirit with the mystical depth of his country of origin. Born into a family of Romanian nobility (although his mother relinquished her title as Princess…), Cristian Budu is the epitome of a generation of musicians sensitive to sharing and to the democratization of music, particularly through his convivial project of « music at home » (pianosofia.com)
“I arrived a stranger, and I leave a stranger”. These opening words of Schubert’s Winterreise (“Winter journey”) succinctly sum up the cycle as a whole: it is the quintessential Romantic work about an itinerant outsider, unlucky in love, whose inevitable goal on his journey is always death.
Schubert had already set Wilhelm Müller’s poetic cycle “Die schöne Müllerin” in 1823, and at some point he came across twelve new poems by Müller entitled “Wanderlieder … Die Winterreise” that had been published in the Urania almanac in Leipzig. He set them to music in early 1827.
Invitation à la danse
Since their first encounter in 2007 during the Swiss festival Piano à Saint-Ursanne, Christiane Baume-Sanglard and Dana Ciocarlie have started working together and collaborating as a Four-Hands Piano Duo. The female duo has since played in numerous concerts and festivals all over Europe. Through their friendship, their contrasting personalities make for a vibrant mixture of energy, poetry and musical expressiveness.
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