An hour spent with Mozart in light-music mode is always an hour well spent, and here we have not one but two hours of entertainment and pleasure. The Haffner Serenade appears to have been written as a Brautmusik (‘bride music’), commissioned by its namesake for the wedding of his sister. What we hear actually starts with the D major March, K249...
On this Claves album, featuring a Serenade each from Mozart and Schoeck, the press information highlights how both composers were only twenty years old at the time of composition and how one hundred and thirty years separates the two works. This fascinating programme is played by the Musikkollegium Winterthur, a forty or so strong ensemble here...
Neben elf weiteren Serenaden hat Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart jene für die Feierlichkeiten der Hochzeit von Franz Xaver Anton Spath mit Elisabetta Haffner komponiert, der Schwester des Auftraggebers Sigmund Haffner d. J. Sie kann als sein erstes großes Orchesterwerk angesehen werden, in dem er technische Fähigkeiten und seinen musikalischen Genius d...
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