Pianist Magazine: Joseph Moog performs Liszt's 'Hexameron'
Not many pianists would spend the time learning the hideously difficult Hexameron, the Liszt hotchpotch variations with contributions by his composer friends, one of whom was Chopin. Together with the First Polonaise and to some extent the Second Ballade it is Liszt at his most extrovert and bombastic. Thankfully Moog knows how to make music out of all these head-banger pieces, which are interspersed with a Valse-Impromptu and the idiomatic transcription of Beethoven’s Adelaïde. One of the truly great Liszt releases of this year. [MD]
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JOSEPH MOOG (Young Artist's of the Year 2015 by Gramophone Magazine)
Liszt Recital. Hexameron, Polonaise No 1, Prelude and Fugue after J S Bach, Ballade No 2, etc
Claves Records 50-1108
5 stars
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