(1986) Mozart: Flute Concertos & Pieces
Kategorie(n): Concerto Raritäten
Instrument(e): Flöte
Hauptkomponist: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Orchester: English Chamber Orchestra
CD-Set: 1
Katalog Nr.:
CD 8505
Freigabe: 1986
EAN/UPC: 7619931850528
- UPC: 829410477963
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The testimony of an artist’s musical process on the basis of Mozart’s flute concerti is particularly interesting, because these works are not incontestable masterpieces of a mature composer, the performance of which could be a lifelong task for any artist; indeed, the flute concerti K. 313 and 314 as well as the Andante K. 315 were commissioned works composed by the twenty-two year old Mozart.
If Peter-Lukas Graf now returns to these works, interpreting them with the additional artistic knowledge gathered in the meantime, the young Mozart of the Mannheim years acquires a new aesthetic balance: the works are raised far above the young composer and lose their occasional character.
Indeed, Mozart once confessed in a letter that in the flute concerti he had to write for an instrument “he could not stand”. Peter-Lukas Graf mentioned this fact on the occasion of his former recording: “For us these works are all the more astonishing, for they are written just for flute with an extraordinary sensitivity to and awareness of this instrument”.
(1986) Mozart: Flute Concertos & Pieces - CD 8505
With this recording Peter-Lukas Graf presents his new interpretation of Mozart’s most important works for flute and orchestra. Its purpose is not to revise Graf’s former interpretation (Claves P 207/8), but rather to document his artistic development.
The testimony of an artist’s musical process on the basis of Mozart’s flute concerti is particularly interesting, because these works are not incontestable masterpieces of a mature composer, the performance of which could be a lifelong task for any artist; indeed, the flute concerti K. 313 and 314 as well as the Andante K. 315 were commissioned works composed by the twenty-two year old Mozart.
If Peter-Lukas Graf now returns to these works, interpreting them with the additional artistic knowledge gathered in the meantime, the young Mozart of the Mannheim years acquires a new aesthetic balance: the works are raised far above the young composer and lose their occasional character.
Indeed, Mozart once confessed in a letter that in the flute concerti he had to write for an instrument “he could not stand”. Peter-Lukas Graf mentioned this fact on the occasion of his former recording: “For us these works are all the more astonishing, for they are written just for flute with an extraordinary sensitivity to and awareness of this instrument”.
Return to the album | Composer(s): Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Main Artist: Peter-Lukas Graf