(2024) Franz Xaver Mozart: the two piano concertos
Category(ies): Orchestra Piano
Instrument(s): Piano
Main Composer: Franz Xaver Mozart
Orchestra: Musikkollegium Winterthur
Conductor: Bogdan Božović
CD set: 1
Catalog N°:
CD 3070
Release: 10.05.2024
EAN/UPC: 7619931307022
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With this second recording of piano concertos - following the Variations in 2021 - I am extending my Franz Xaver Mozart project. Already at an early stage in my career as a pianist, I felt a special connection to the compositions of Franz Xaver Mozart. It was his 1st Piano Concerto that I performed during my first orchestral performance abroad at the age of 13, that took place in Switzerland, accompanied by the INSO Lviv Orchestra. His music stirred my soul and still inspires me today. After my studies, I became intensively absorbed in Franz Xavier Mozart’s work. In the process, I kept discovering new precious musical gems. His work in Galicia continues to invigorate the multicultural life of the region to this day. With the expansion of this Franz Xaver Mozart project, I hope his music will step out of his father’s shadow, the great master Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and be recognised accordingly. I am convinced that his legacy has not yet been fully explored, which motivates me to continue my research..
Franz Xaver Mozart (1791-1844) was born in Vienna. He received a thorough musical education as a pianist and composer, first in Prague and then in Vienna. In 1808, he went to Galicia as a private music teacher. In 1813, he settled in Lemberg, the “capital of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria”. F. X. Mozart was very active there as a concert pianist, a teacher and an organiser of the musical life, initially promoting the legacy of his brilliant father. In Lviv, he taught the piano to Polish aristocratic families. He also maintained close contact with the Baroni von Cavalcabo family, especially with Josephine Baroni von Cavalcabo, who was appointed the executrix of his will after his death. In 1826, he founded in Lemberg the Cecilian Society for Austrian Music Lovers, which organised numerous church music concerts until 1829. In 1838, F. X. Mozart left Lemberg and moved to Vienna. He died in Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) in 1844.
As a composer, F. X Mozart produced a rich oeuvre in which chamber, choral and piano works predominate. His piano pieces, variation cycles, sonatas for piano and violin, two piano concertos, chamber ensembles and the cantata “Der erste Frühlingstag” (The First Day of Spring) are particularly interesting.
In terms of style, Mozart’s work reflects the spirit of the times. As a concert pianist, he favoured the brilliant style standard in musical practice during the first third of the 19th century. His works, composed with considerable artistic taste and professional skill, reflect early Romantic aesthetic ideals. The Polish, Ukrainian and Russian song motifs often woven into the musical structure characterise many of his piano works as stylised folk melodies. This reflects the composer’s deep connection with the musical tradition of the region where he lived for thirty years.
The two piano concertos rank among F. X. Mozart’s most outstanding artistic achievements.
His first piano concerto in C major, op. 14, was written in 1808 when the composer was only seventeen. Youthful ardour and enthusiasm are combined here with a good knowledge of the classical standards of composition, which Franz Xaver acquired under the guidance of his experienced teachers. This is particularly noticeable in the rendition of the orchestral part, for which the composer used the full symphony orchestra without clarinets. The concerto comprises three movements. [..]
Lyubov Kyyanovska
The Swiss Ukrainian pianist Andriy Dragan, currently based in Basel, regularly performs in Switzerland and Europe. His curiosity as a pianist has enabled him to optimize his musical work with new projects and an extended repertoire, including works by Franz Xaver Mozart and Ukrainian composers of the 19th and 20th centuries, and to inspire audiences. Andriy impressively proves this with Franz Xaver Mozart’s piano concertos, which still radiate surprising musical finesse to this day, more than 200 years after their composition. One may ask why such masterpieces, particularly the Second Piano Concerto, have not “yet” entered the standard repertoire. This is probably primarily due to the “myth” of his famous father, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but probably also to the sometimes inadequate printed music material. The present concerto was revised and completed by Gunhard Mattes Verlag and Andriy Dragan himself.
Born in the Ukraine into Oksana Rapita and Myroslav Dragan’s musical family, Andriy began his pianistic path in Lviv at the age of 6 at the Music Boarding School and later continued at the National Music Academy. His talent was soon recognized and encouraged by his professor, Lidia Krych. When he was 17, Andriy enrolled at the Basel Music Academy on the recommendation of his teachers. He was accepted in Adrian Oetiker’s class, where he received encouragement and was prepared to complete his studies as a concert pianist. The numerous competition successes associated with his training, in particular the Credit Suisse Jeunes Solistes Prize in 2009, opened the doors to concert halls for Andriy. He has performed, amongst others, at the Lucerne Festival, Verbier Festival, Festival La Roque d’Anthéron, Zaubersee Festival Lucerne, Bergen Festival, Zermatt Music Festival, Kontraste and Virtuosen Festival in Lviv, as well as with the Munich Radio Orchestra, Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, Basel Symphony Orchestra, Musikkollegium Winterthur, Zermatt Festival Orchestra, Scharoun Ensemble of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, MDR Symphony Orchestra at the Gewandhaus Leipzig and INSO Lviv Orchestra.
Andriy Dragan’s confident, nuanced playing immerses the listener in a subtle and refined sound world. His virtuosity at the service of music characterizes the musician.
The Musikkollegium Winterthur was founded in 1629 and thus boasts one of the longest-standing traditions among Europe’s musical institutions. Winterthur occupies a prominent position in Europe’s cultural landscape. This is due not only to its art collections, but also to its orchestra – the Musikkollegium Winterthur – which has been under the direction of Chief Conductor Roberto González Monjas since 2021/22. The history of the Musikkollegium Winterthur, which stretches back to 1629, is still very much alive: today, the dedication of Winterthur’s bourgeois families of the 17th century is maintained by the numerous members of the orchestra association.
The early 20th century was a particularly formative period, with patron of the arts Werner Reinhart and conductor Hermann Scherchen transforming Winterthur into a centre of European musical life. Igor Stravinsky, Richard Strauss and Anton Webern all frequented the city, as did Clara Haskil and Wilhelm Furtwängler. This is a legacy that comes with obligations: no other classical symphony orchestra in Switzerland devotes itself to contemporary music with as much natural confidence as the Musikkollegium Winterthur. World premières also feature on the programme – most recently of works by composers such as Richard Dubugnon, Helena Winkelman and David Philip Hefti.
The orchestra’s remaining repertoire focuses on the classical and early romantic periods. However, the agile ensemble also likes to shed fresh light on great symphonic works, such as those by Brahms, who is the subject of a recent CD recording. The orchestra can also be regularly experienced in opera and ballet productions. With more than 40 concerts per season, a versatile musical education programme and interdisciplinary formats, the Musikkollegium Winterthur is an outstanding ensemble. Many have contributed to the high quality of the orchestra’s performances: former chief conductors such as Franz Welser-Möst, Heinrich Schiff or Thomas Zehetmair, long-standing guest conductors such as Heinz Holliger, Reinhard Goebel and Michael Sanderling, but also internationally sought-after soloists, who always enjoy returning to the Musikkollegium Winterthur. Andreas Ottensamer, Barbara Hannigan, Sir András Schiff, Ian Bostridge and Carolin Widmann, among others, regularly give guest performances in Winterthur.
Violinist Bogdan Božović hails from Belgrade and is a sought-after chamber musician, soloist and guest concertmaster with diverse experience in the international concert circuit. As a member of the renowned Vienna Piano Trio, he performed in major music centers worldwide between 2012 and 2015. Two CDs with piano trios by Beethoven and Saint-Saëns, which were highly praised by the specialist press, were released on the MDG label. Bogdan Božović is a welcome guest at international chamber music festivals.REVIEWS
"Für die Interpretation der Musik Franz Xaver Mozarts lässt sich kaum ein kompetenterer Anwalt als Andriy Dragan denken. Selbst aus der Ukraine stammend und heute in der Schweiz lebend, hat er sich die Erforschung des juniormozartschen Œuvres zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht und die Absicht durchblicken lassen, noch (möglichst viele) weitere Musiken Franz Xavers einzuspielen, um ihn dadurch wenigstens ein wenig aus dem Schatten seines Vaters hervortreten zu lassen. Das Musikkollegium Winterthur blickt auf ein bald 400-jähriges Bestehen zurück. Ensembleleiter Bogdan Božović weiß sich mit Andriy Dragan einig in der Frage, wie denn die Konzerte Franz Xaver Mozarts zu interpretieren seien, und so ist hier eine verdienstvolle Aufnahme aus einem sprichwörtlich so genannten „einzigen Guss“ entstanden!" - Friedemann Kluge
"Franz Xaver Mozart (1791–1844) war das jüngste von sechs Kindern von Wolfgang Amadeus und Constanze Mozart. Oft belächelt, trat der Komponist und Pianist ein Leben lang unter dem Label Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sohn oder Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart Sohn auf. Von seinen Kompositionen tauchen heute noch die zwei Klavierkonzerte auf – und oft auch ab ..." - Christian Berzins, June 2024
"Le pianiste ukrainien Andriy Dragan continue de défendre la musique de Franz Xaver Mozart, le «fils de», qui a fait sa carrière dans l’austro-hongroise Galicie et surtout à Lemberg (Lviv), avant de revenir à Vienne. L’interprète avoue sa grande proximité affective avec cette musique, lui qui vient de Lviv. Après un disque consacré aux Variations, Claves publie les deux concertos pour piano du compositeur. Le premier date de 1808: Franz Xaver Mozart a dix-sept ans, son écriture est encore marquée par sa formation classique. Dix ans plus tard, dans le Concerto pour piano No. 2, l’envergure de la partie du piano et l’amplitude de l’orchestre (le Musikkollegium Winterthur) voient plus loin: l’éloquence des trois mouvements s’inscrit résolument dans l’esthétique préromantique." - Elisabeth Haas, June 2024
"Neben ihrer Karriere als Sängerin hat sie sich schon immer engagiert in gesellschaftlichen Fragen, zum Beispiel gegen Sexismus. «Ich lehnte mich schon immer gegen Ungerechtigkeiten auf. Mir ist klar, dass ich nicht viel verändern kann, aber ich möchte zumindest meine Möglichkeiten ausschöpfen. Gerade die Welt der klassischen Musik ist politisch ja nicht sehr engagiert; das zumeist gebildete und bessersituierte Publikum für die Menschenrechte zu interessieren, macht für mich daher viel Sinn.» Sie wurde Botschafterin für die Schweizer Sektion von Amnesty International. Seit Putins Angriff auf die Ukraine engagiert sie sich zudem ausdauernd für die Hilfe an die Menschen in ihrem Heimatland, wie sie anschaulich in einem Interview für das Amnesty-Magazin schildert. Das ganze Interview können Sie unter dem folgenden Link nachlesen." - Reinmar Wagner, July 2024
"Dragan was and is deeply committed to bringing the music of Franz Xaver (he was born in the year his father Wolfgang Amadeus died) out of the deep shadows of Western music history and aldus de erkenning te brengen die dit oeuvre naar zijn mening verdient. Waar ik mij, zeker de voortreffelijke kwaliteit van deze vertolkingen in aanmerking genomen, van harte bij aansluit. De rol van het het Musikcollegium Winterthur dat wordt geleid door concertmeester Bogdan Božovic is werkelijk voorbeeldig." - Aart van der Wal, August 2024
"Pianist Andriy Dragan interprets the two piano concertos by W.A. Mozart’s son Franz Xaver Mozart (1791-1844) with great love for the music. There is no doubt that this pianist knows these works very well. And he loves them. Light-footed and elegant, virtuosic and communicative, Dragan’s playing inspires at every moment and allows us to experience the rarely ingenious, but always beautiful and well-composed music of F.X. Mozart at the highest level. The excellent Musikkollegium Winterthur under its concertmaster Bogdan Bozovic, who knows how to enliven and shape this music in perfect harmony with Dragan, is as committed as the soloist. First-class interpretations of secondary works, but what a pleasure to listen to!" - Alain Steffen, May 2024
“[..] Dragan has spoken movingly of his love for Fran Xaver’s work, and his affection and affinity for these pieces is clearly evident in his playing here. Highly recommended.” - Rick Anderson, May 2024
« [..] Von seinen Kompositionen tauchen heute die zwei Klavierkonzerte ab und zu auf – und oft ab ... Eine Aufnahme mit dem Musikkollegium Winterthur und der Leitung des Konzertmeisters Bogdan Božović und des schweizerisch-ukrainischen Pianisten Andriy Dragan lässt nun aber mehr als aufhorchen: prächtig die Sorgfalt, die Detailpracht und der aufblitzende dramatische Furor, der hier drinsteckt. Die Aufnahme mit dem Musikkollegium Winterthur und der Leitung des Konzertmeisters Bogdan Božović und des schweizerisch-ukrainischen Pianisten Andriy Dragan lässt aufhorchen. [..] » - Christian Berzins, Mai 2024
« [..] Über den Kompositionen Franz Xavers liegt der Schatten der Werke seines genialischen Vaters. "Dieser Schatten hat ihn bis Ende seines Lebens verfolgt und verfolgt ihn eigentlich immer noch", meint Andriy Dragan. Sein Ziel ist es, dem Sohn mit seinen Aufnahmen ein wenig mehr Anerkennung zu verschaffen. Mit der fein ziselierten Einspielung der beiden Konzerte, für die er sich im Interview explizit beim Tonmeister Johannes Kammann bedankt, hat er sein Möglichstes dazu getan. » - Rainer Baumgärtner, Mai 2024
(2024) Franz Xaver Mozart: the two piano concertos - CD 3070
With this second recording of piano concertos - following the Variations in 2021 - I am extending my Franz Xaver Mozart project. Already at an early stage in my career as a pianist, I felt a special connection to the compositions of Franz Xaver Mozart. It was his 1st Piano Concerto that I performed during my first orchestral performance abroad at the age of 13, that took place in Switzerland, accompanied by the INSO Lviv Orchestra. His music stirred my soul and still inspires me today. After my studies, I became intensively absorbed in Franz Xavier Mozart’s work. In the process, I kept discovering new precious musical gems. His work in Galicia continues to invigorate the multicultural life of the region to this day. With the expansion of this Franz Xaver Mozart project, I hope his music will step out of his father’s shadow, the great master Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and be recognised accordingly. I am convinced that his legacy has not yet been fully explored, which motivates me to continue my research..
Franz Xaver Mozart (1791-1844) was born in Vienna. He received a thorough musical education as a pianist and composer, first in Prague and then in Vienna. In 1808, he went to Galicia as a private music teacher. In 1813, he settled in Lemberg, the “capital of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria”. F. X. Mozart was very active there as a concert pianist, a teacher and an organiser of the musical life, initially promoting the legacy of his brilliant father. In Lviv, he taught the piano to Polish aristocratic families. He also maintained close contact with the Baroni von Cavalcabo family, especially with Josephine Baroni von Cavalcabo, who was appointed the executrix of his will after his death. In 1826, he founded in Lemberg the Cecilian Society for Austrian Music Lovers, which organised numerous church music concerts until 1829. In 1838, F. X. Mozart left Lemberg and moved to Vienna. He died in Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) in 1844.
As a composer, F. X Mozart produced a rich oeuvre in which chamber, choral and piano works predominate. His piano pieces, variation cycles, sonatas for piano and violin, two piano concertos, chamber ensembles and the cantata “Der erste Frühlingstag” (The First Day of Spring) are particularly interesting.
In terms of style, Mozart’s work reflects the spirit of the times. As a concert pianist, he favoured the brilliant style standard in musical practice during the first third of the 19th century. His works, composed with considerable artistic taste and professional skill, reflect early Romantic aesthetic ideals. The Polish, Ukrainian and Russian song motifs often woven into the musical structure characterise many of his piano works as stylised folk melodies. This reflects the composer’s deep connection with the musical tradition of the region where he lived for thirty years.
The two piano concertos rank among F. X. Mozart’s most outstanding artistic achievements.
His first piano concerto in C major, op. 14, was written in 1808 when the composer was only seventeen. Youthful ardour and enthusiasm are combined here with a good knowledge of the classical standards of composition, which Franz Xaver acquired under the guidance of his experienced teachers. This is particularly noticeable in the rendition of the orchestral part, for which the composer used the full symphony orchestra without clarinets. The concerto comprises three movements. [..]
Lyubov Kyyanovska
The Swiss Ukrainian pianist Andriy Dragan, currently based in Basel, regularly performs in Switzerland and Europe. His curiosity as a pianist has enabled him to optimize his musical work with new projects and an extended repertoire, including works by Franz Xaver Mozart and Ukrainian composers of the 19th and 20th centuries, and to inspire audiences. Andriy impressively proves this with Franz Xaver Mozart’s piano concertos, which still radiate surprising musical finesse to this day, more than 200 years after their composition. One may ask why such masterpieces, particularly the Second Piano Concerto, have not “yet” entered the standard repertoire. This is probably primarily due to the “myth” of his famous father, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but probably also to the sometimes inadequate printed music material. The present concerto was revised and completed by Gunhard Mattes Verlag and Andriy Dragan himself.
Born in the Ukraine into Oksana Rapita and Myroslav Dragan’s musical family, Andriy began his pianistic path in Lviv at the age of 6 at the Music Boarding School and later continued at the National Music Academy. His talent was soon recognized and encouraged by his professor, Lidia Krych. When he was 17, Andriy enrolled at the Basel Music Academy on the recommendation of his teachers. He was accepted in Adrian Oetiker’s class, where he received encouragement and was prepared to complete his studies as a concert pianist. The numerous competition successes associated with his training, in particular the Credit Suisse Jeunes Solistes Prize in 2009, opened the doors to concert halls for Andriy. He has performed, amongst others, at the Lucerne Festival, Verbier Festival, Festival La Roque d’Anthéron, Zaubersee Festival Lucerne, Bergen Festival, Zermatt Music Festival, Kontraste and Virtuosen Festival in Lviv, as well as with the Munich Radio Orchestra, Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, Basel Symphony Orchestra, Musikkollegium Winterthur, Zermatt Festival Orchestra, Scharoun Ensemble of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, MDR Symphony Orchestra at the Gewandhaus Leipzig and INSO Lviv Orchestra.
Andriy Dragan’s confident, nuanced playing immerses the listener in a subtle and refined sound world. His virtuosity at the service of music characterizes the musician.
The Musikkollegium Winterthur was founded in 1629 and thus boasts one of the longest-standing traditions among Europe’s musical institutions. Winterthur occupies a prominent position in Europe’s cultural landscape. This is due not only to its art collections, but also to its orchestra – the Musikkollegium Winterthur – which has been under the direction of Chief Conductor Roberto González Monjas since 2021/22. The history of the Musikkollegium Winterthur, which stretches back to 1629, is still very much alive: today, the dedication of Winterthur’s bourgeois families of the 17th century is maintained by the numerous members of the orchestra association.
The early 20th century was a particularly formative period, with patron of the arts Werner Reinhart and conductor Hermann Scherchen transforming Winterthur into a centre of European musical life. Igor Stravinsky, Richard Strauss and Anton Webern all frequented the city, as did Clara Haskil and Wilhelm Furtwängler. This is a legacy that comes with obligations: no other classical symphony orchestra in Switzerland devotes itself to contemporary music with as much natural confidence as the Musikkollegium Winterthur. World premières also feature on the programme – most recently of works by composers such as Richard Dubugnon, Helena Winkelman and David Philip Hefti.
The orchestra’s remaining repertoire focuses on the classical and early romantic periods. However, the agile ensemble also likes to shed fresh light on great symphonic works, such as those by Brahms, who is the subject of a recent CD recording. The orchestra can also be regularly experienced in opera and ballet productions. With more than 40 concerts per season, a versatile musical education programme and interdisciplinary formats, the Musikkollegium Winterthur is an outstanding ensemble. Many have contributed to the high quality of the orchestra’s performances: former chief conductors such as Franz Welser-Möst, Heinrich Schiff or Thomas Zehetmair, long-standing guest conductors such as Heinz Holliger, Reinhard Goebel and Michael Sanderling, but also internationally sought-after soloists, who always enjoy returning to the Musikkollegium Winterthur. Andreas Ottensamer, Barbara Hannigan, Sir András Schiff, Ian Bostridge and Carolin Widmann, among others, regularly give guest performances in Winterthur.
Violinist Bogdan Božović hails from Belgrade and is a sought-after chamber musician, soloist and guest concertmaster with diverse experience in the international concert circuit. As a member of the renowned Vienna Piano Trio, he performed in major music centers worldwide between 2012 and 2015. Two CDs with piano trios by Beethoven and Saint-Saëns, which were highly praised by the specialist press, were released on the MDG label. Bogdan Božović is a welcome guest at international chamber music festivals.REVIEWS
"Für die Interpretation der Musik Franz Xaver Mozarts lässt sich kaum ein kompetenterer Anwalt als Andriy Dragan denken. Selbst aus der Ukraine stammend und heute in der Schweiz lebend, hat er sich die Erforschung des juniormozartschen Œuvres zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht und die Absicht durchblicken lassen, noch (möglichst viele) weitere Musiken Franz Xavers einzuspielen, um ihn dadurch wenigstens ein wenig aus dem Schatten seines Vaters hervortreten zu lassen. Das Musikkollegium Winterthur blickt auf ein bald 400-jähriges Bestehen zurück. Ensembleleiter Bogdan Božović weiß sich mit Andriy Dragan einig in der Frage, wie denn die Konzerte Franz Xaver Mozarts zu interpretieren seien, und so ist hier eine verdienstvolle Aufnahme aus einem sprichwörtlich so genannten „einzigen Guss“ entstanden!" - Friedemann Kluge
"Franz Xaver Mozart (1791–1844) war das jüngste von sechs Kindern von Wolfgang Amadeus und Constanze Mozart. Oft belächelt, trat der Komponist und Pianist ein Leben lang unter dem Label Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sohn oder Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart Sohn auf. Von seinen Kompositionen tauchen heute noch die zwei Klavierkonzerte auf – und oft auch ab ..." - Christian Berzins, June 2024
"Le pianiste ukrainien Andriy Dragan continue de défendre la musique de Franz Xaver Mozart, le «fils de», qui a fait sa carrière dans l’austro-hongroise Galicie et surtout à Lemberg (Lviv), avant de revenir à Vienne. L’interprète avoue sa grande proximité affective avec cette musique, lui qui vient de Lviv. Après un disque consacré aux Variations, Claves publie les deux concertos pour piano du compositeur. Le premier date de 1808: Franz Xaver Mozart a dix-sept ans, son écriture est encore marquée par sa formation classique. Dix ans plus tard, dans le Concerto pour piano No. 2, l’envergure de la partie du piano et l’amplitude de l’orchestre (le Musikkollegium Winterthur) voient plus loin: l’éloquence des trois mouvements s’inscrit résolument dans l’esthétique préromantique." - Elisabeth Haas, June 2024
"Neben ihrer Karriere als Sängerin hat sie sich schon immer engagiert in gesellschaftlichen Fragen, zum Beispiel gegen Sexismus. «Ich lehnte mich schon immer gegen Ungerechtigkeiten auf. Mir ist klar, dass ich nicht viel verändern kann, aber ich möchte zumindest meine Möglichkeiten ausschöpfen. Gerade die Welt der klassischen Musik ist politisch ja nicht sehr engagiert; das zumeist gebildete und bessersituierte Publikum für die Menschenrechte zu interessieren, macht für mich daher viel Sinn.» Sie wurde Botschafterin für die Schweizer Sektion von Amnesty International. Seit Putins Angriff auf die Ukraine engagiert sie sich zudem ausdauernd für die Hilfe an die Menschen in ihrem Heimatland, wie sie anschaulich in einem Interview für das Amnesty-Magazin schildert. Das ganze Interview können Sie unter dem folgenden Link nachlesen." - Reinmar Wagner, July 2024
"Dragan was and is deeply committed to bringing the music of Franz Xaver (he was born in the year his father Wolfgang Amadeus died) out of the deep shadows of Western music history and aldus de erkenning te brengen die dit oeuvre naar zijn mening verdient. Waar ik mij, zeker de voortreffelijke kwaliteit van deze vertolkingen in aanmerking genomen, van harte bij aansluit. De rol van het het Musikcollegium Winterthur dat wordt geleid door concertmeester Bogdan Božovic is werkelijk voorbeeldig." - Aart van der Wal, August 2024
"Pianist Andriy Dragan interprets the two piano concertos by W.A. Mozart’s son Franz Xaver Mozart (1791-1844) with great love for the music. There is no doubt that this pianist knows these works very well. And he loves them. Light-footed and elegant, virtuosic and communicative, Dragan’s playing inspires at every moment and allows us to experience the rarely ingenious, but always beautiful and well-composed music of F.X. Mozart at the highest level. The excellent Musikkollegium Winterthur under its concertmaster Bogdan Bozovic, who knows how to enliven and shape this music in perfect harmony with Dragan, is as committed as the soloist. First-class interpretations of secondary works, but what a pleasure to listen to!" - Alain Steffen, May 2024
“[..] Dragan has spoken movingly of his love for Fran Xaver’s work, and his affection and affinity for these pieces is clearly evident in his playing here. Highly recommended.” - Rick Anderson, May 2024
« [..] Von seinen Kompositionen tauchen heute die zwei Klavierkonzerte ab und zu auf – und oft ab ... Eine Aufnahme mit dem Musikkollegium Winterthur und der Leitung des Konzertmeisters Bogdan Božović und des schweizerisch-ukrainischen Pianisten Andriy Dragan lässt nun aber mehr als aufhorchen: prächtig die Sorgfalt, die Detailpracht und der aufblitzende dramatische Furor, der hier drinsteckt. Die Aufnahme mit dem Musikkollegium Winterthur und der Leitung des Konzertmeisters Bogdan Božović und des schweizerisch-ukrainischen Pianisten Andriy Dragan lässt aufhorchen. [..] » - Christian Berzins, Mai 2024
« [..] Über den Kompositionen Franz Xavers liegt der Schatten der Werke seines genialischen Vaters. "Dieser Schatten hat ihn bis Ende seines Lebens verfolgt und verfolgt ihn eigentlich immer noch", meint Andriy Dragan. Sein Ziel ist es, dem Sohn mit seinen Aufnahmen ein wenig mehr Anerkennung zu verschaffen. Mit der fein ziselierten Einspielung der beiden Konzerte, für die er sich im Interview explizit beim Tonmeister Johannes Kammann bedankt, hat er sein Möglichstes dazu getan. » - Rainer Baumgärtner, Mai 2024
Return to the album | Read the booklet | Composer(s): Franz Xaver Mozart | Main Artist: Andriy Dragan